
Boscolastic – Two Component Flexible Waterproofing Coating

Boscolastic is a two component flexible acrylic polymer cementitious waterproofing coating that is mixed on site and resurfaced on concrete and other construction materials to waterproof. Boscolastic has excellent weathering resistance and crack bridging property.

Coverage: Approx. 2 Kg / m2 in 2 coats

Packaging: 5, 17.5 & 35 Kg set.

  • Flexible, elastic & can bridge cracks.
  • Accommodates flexible movements in suspended structures.
  • Can be tiled over successfully.
  • Bonds well to sound substrates.
  • Ability to withstand heavy topping without fracture.
  • Applied on damp walls and floors.
  • Can be painted over with elastic paints.
  • Hard and abrasion resistant.
  • Water Tanks.
  • Bathrooms, Balconies, Terraces.
  • Swimming pools and pool decks.
  • Water Features and ponds.
  • Planter Boxes, Canopies.
  • On external environmental deck.
  • In between or under floor toppings.
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