Boscocem Slurry

Boscocem Slurry2019-07-31T10:35:14+00:00

Boscocem Slurry / Boscocem Slurry Premium – Two Component Cementitious Waterproofing Coating

Boscocem Slurry / Boscocem Slurry Premium is a cement based two component alkali reactive polymer modified water-proofing coating, with a flexible component for crack bridging.

  • Concrete
  • Steel
  • Aluminium
  • Cement and sand backings
  • Metal
  • PVC Pipes
  • Ability to bridge cracks.
  • Can be tiled over successfully.
  • Protect concrete against carbonation and attack from pollutants.
  • Ability to withstand heavy topping without fracture.
  • Bonds well to damp surfaces.
  • Compatible with most building materials.
  • Can be painted over.
  • Hard and abrasion resistant.

Designed for external and internal waterproofing protection to:

  • Water Tanks.
  • Bathrooms, Balconies, Terraces.
  • Swimming Pools, Pool decks.
  • Water Features.
  • Planter Boxes, Canopies, External Walls.

As waterproof underlayment to prevent seepage:

  • Before laying marbles.
  • Under timber floors.
  • Underlayment for vinyl and carpets.
  • Highly effective for positive side waterproofing against hydrostatic pressure.
  • Also effective for waterproofing application on the negative side of the structure as it is integrally bonded.
  • Ground moisture – 1.0 – 2.0 Kg / m2
  • Hydrostatic pressure – 1.5 – 2.0 Kg / m2
  • Hydrostatic pressure (Negative side) – 2.0 – 3.0 Kg / m2
  • Boscocem Slurry 12.5 & 25 Kg Pack 10 & 20 Kg Powder and 2.5 & 5 Kg Liquid
  • Boscocem Slurry Premium 10 & 20 Kg Pack 7.5 & 15 Kg Powder and 2.5 & 5Kg Liquid
  • Minimal water may be added to aid application on site.
Reach us for your requirements